Vulture Drawing / Visible Invisible > Staggering, unnerving, mind boggling, absolutely gobsmackingly bananas

Zeke Hausfather begins his New York Times feature with the line:
"Staggering. Unnerving. Mind boggling. Absolutely gobsmackingly bananas." He goes on to say that he and his climate scientist colleagues have run out of adjectives to describe what they see in the data around rising temperatures. As words fail, scientists become speechless, and our attempts at wide scale change continue to fall short.

When scientists run out of words, can art ignite possibilities that which words cannot?

In this digital image series, the phrase strokes vector lines of vultures rising on thermal air currents. Is it the "post-dualist ontological turn?" Might it be the revolution? Or revolutions like the vulture rising on a warm, thermal, air current? With outstretched wings we will turn and lift, turn and lift and turn and lift again.